Mastering Squarespace Design: Fonts, Colors, and Site Styles Tutorial

I'm thrilled to share valuable insights about using fonts, colors, and styles to elevate your Squarespace website. In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll explore Squarespace site styles, helping you understand how to customize the essential elements that define your site's aesthetics.

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Fonts: The Essence of Typography

Let's begin with fonts – the cornerstone of web typography. Fonts determine the visual appeal and readability of your content. In Squarespace, font choices are versatile and easy to manage.

  • Primary Font Pack: Start by selecting your primary font pack. For instance, I've opted for the Shackleton font for headings (h1-h4). However, Squarespace offers a range of sans-serif, serif, and mixed fonts to explore.

  • Font Weight: Customize the weight of your chosen font. This influences the thickness of your text. For instance, Shackleton allows weights from 300 (thin) to 900 (bold).

  • Font Style: Choose from normal or italic styles to emphasize your text.

  • Line Height: Adjust the spacing between lines for better readability.

  • Letter Spacing: Control the space between individual letters to fine-tune your typography.

  • Text Transformation: Opt for uppercase, lowercase, or none to match your branding.

  • Size: Customize the font size for different text elements. Squarespace conveniently sets this relative to a base size (typically 16px).

Remember, your font choices should align with your brand identity and message. Sans-serif fonts offer a modern look, while serifs convey a more classic feel. Explore options to find what suits your website best.

Colors: Adding Life to Your Site

Now, let's talk about colors – a powerful tool for evoking emotions and creating a cohesive brand image.

  • Color Palettes: Squarespace introduced color palettes, allowing you to choose from curated sets of colors. These palettes offer a harmonious blend of hues created by Squarespace designers.

  • Custom Colors: If you prefer a unique color scheme, you can select custom colors. Tools like Coolers (or other online color palette generators) can help you discover the perfect shades for your brand.

  • Theme Customization: Customize the color themes for different sections of your website. Squarespace offers themes ranging from light to dark, allowing you to maintain consistency while achieving visual contrast.

  • Image-Based Palettes: Upload an image or a specific color, and Squarespace will generate a palette based on your selection.

The key is to choose colors that reflect your brand's personality and resonate with your target audience. Maintain a balance between aesthetics and accessibility to ensure all users can enjoy your site.

Animations: Captivate Your Audience

Animations are the icing on the cake when it comes to modern web design. They can bring life and engagement to your website.

  • Global Animations: In Squarespace, animations can be applied globally to every page. Options include scale, fade, slide, and flex.

  • Customization: You can adjust the speed and intensity of animations to suit your site's vibe.

  • Page-Specific Animations: If you don't want animations on every page, Squarespace also allows for page-specific animation settings.

Animations are excellent for highlighting elements as users scroll through your site. They add a touch of sophistication and make your site more interactive.

Spacing and Site Layout: Finding the Perfect Balance

Spacing and site layout are the backbone of your website's structure. They influence how your content is presented and how users navigate your site.

  • Page Width: Customize the total width of your site. A broader page width might offer more space for content, while a narrower one can create a more compact, focused look.

  • Site Margin: Adjust the margins that frame your site's content. This affects how elements align with the edges of the page.

  • Button Styling: Customize primary, secondary, and tertiary buttons. You can control their size, style, shape, and color.

Maintaining a clean and organized layout is essential for user experience. Pay attention to spacing to ensure your site feels welcoming and easy to navigate.


Mastering fonts, colors, styles, and animations in Squarespace can transform your website from ordinary to exceptional. With the tools and options provided, you have the creative freedom to make your site uniquely yours. Remember, your website is a reflection of your brand, so invest the time to fine-tune these design elements.

Your Designer

I'm Travis, an expert Squarespace web designer and 7+ year former Squarespace employee. I have worked with every type of business, building platforms for solo entrepreneurs through to multi-million dollar corporations. If you want to discuss a potential project, you can email on or get in touch with me here. Alternatively, you can book a 30-minute consultation call here.

Travis Vance

Travis is a seasoned Squarespace pro with over 8 years of experience helping SMBs, entrepreneurs, and eCommerce merchants win more business online.

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