Psychedelic Growth

An established Psychedelic Therapy clinic in Boulder Colorado reached out to Coyote Moon for a full site redesign on Squarespace. The goal was to improve the UI/UX and vastly increase conversions. Her therapy practice is thriving, but she needed a Squarespace Expert to polish the site and to highlight her credentials, certifications, customer testimonials, and free resources that she offers her site visitors. Enter Squarespace 7.1 and Fluid Engine!


Psychedelic Growth


Clinical Therapy

The site redesign includes gradient color backgrounds, modern image layouts, prominent CTA’s, a promotional pop-up to encourage newsletter subscribers, and more. She had this to say about the site redesign…”You have elevated my brand, vastly improved the UX of the site, and increased lead capture.”

Ready to start your project?

Travis Vance

Travis is a seasoned Squarespace pro with over 8 years of experience helping SMBs, entrepreneurs, and eCommerce merchants win more business online.

Titus Adventure Company


Liv Aesthetics & Wellness