Titus Adventure Company

The premier overland 4x4 vehicle and campervan rental business in Colorado! Titus Adventure Company needed a major facelift for their brand and chose Coyote Moon to complete the job. Their website has always been hosted on Squarespace, but after a few years of steady growth, it was time to refresh the existing site that the owner built back in 2019. Upgrades include a fully custom booking widget through Wheelbase, a hero background video to prominently showcase the brand, updated fonts/typography and color palette, streamlined sitemap for increased UX, 3-fold increase in CTA’s, and more.


Titus Adventure Company


4x4 Overland Vehicle and Campervan Rentals

Engaging with a Squarespace designer during the off-season is always a good bet. Now, with a completely redesigned website, Titus Adventure Company has launched their new site just in time for spring rental season!

Ready to start your project?

Travis Vance

Travis is a seasoned Squarespace pro with over 8 years of experience helping SMBs, entrepreneurs, and eCommerce merchants win more business online.


Psychedelic Growth