Using Noun Project to Enhance Your Website

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Do you remember the thrill of flipping through your favorite storybook as a child, each page revealing a world of imagination? Well, what if I told you that with the right tools, you can bring that same sense of wonder and creativity to your Squarespace website? In this Squarespace web design tutorial, we'll cover all bases for Noun Project, a treasure trove of icons and symbols.

What is Noun Project?

Noun Project is a digital treasure chest that houses over 5 million icons, symbols, illustrations, and photos. It's a reservoir of creativity waiting to be tapped.

Why Noun Project?

Picture this: You're a service-based business looking to stand out in the crowded online world. Your website's design is the first impression your potential clients get. A captivating design can be the difference between someone staying on your site or clicking away. Noun Project empowers you to add that touch of magic, making your website visually appealing and memorable.

Where to Begin?

Using Noun Project is as easy as child's play. Simply visit their website and search for the icons that resonate with your brand or message. The icons are categorized, making it a breeze to find the perfect match for your web design project.

Top 5 Icons to Elevate Your Website:

  1. 🚀 Rocket Icons: Showcase innovation and progress with a rocket icon. Perfect for tech companies or forward-thinking businesses.

  2. 📘 Book Icons: For authors and writers, book icons symbolize knowledge and creativity, drawing readers into your world.

  3. ❤️ Heart Icons: Let your visitors know they're in the right place with heart icons that convey warmth and authenticity.

  4. ⏰ Clock Icons: Ideal for service-based businesses, clock icons represent punctuality and reliability, reassuring potential clients.

  5. 🪴 Plant Icons: Nurture the growth of your brand with plant icons, a symbol of continuous development and sustainability.

A Story of Transformation:

Imagine you run a landscaping business, and your Squarespace website was once a barren digital wasteland. Potential clients visited but quickly left, uninspired by the dull visuals. Then, you discovered Noun Project and added vibrant plant icons to your site. Suddenly, your website blossomed into a lush garden of possibilities. Clients started staying longer, entranced by the inviting imagery. This simple design change turned visitors into loyal customers, increasing your business's growth.

FAQs: Answering Your Queries

Is Noun Project free to use?

Noun Project offers both free and paid plans. The free plan allows you to use icons with attribution, while the paid plans grant you unlimited access without attribution. I paid $39.99 for the entire year and have unlimited access to their library of 5 million icons. It’s worth every penny.

Can I customize the icons to match my brand colors?

Yes, you can! Noun Project provides downloadable SVG and PNG files that can be easily customized using graphic design software.

Engage with Us:

Now that we've covered how to use Noun Project to enhance your Squarespace website, it's time for you to try it yourself! What icons will you choose to tell your brand's story? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments below.


In a world where online presence is everything, your website's design can make or break your success. Noun Project, with its vast library of icons and symbols, allows you to create a visual masterpiece that captivates your audience. From rocket icons symbolizing innovation to heart icons conveying authenticity, the possibilities are endless. Start your journey today, and let your website become a canvas for your creativity.

By using Noun Project, you can transform your Squarespace website and leave a lasting impression on every visitor. So, what are you waiting for?

Your Designer

I'm Travis, an expert Squarespace web designer and 7+ year former Squarespace employee. I have worked with every type of business, building platforms for solo entrepreneurs through to multi-million dollar corporations. If you want to discuss a potential project, you can email on or get in touch with me here. Alternatively, you can book a 30-minute consultation call here.

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Travis Vance

Travis is a seasoned Squarespace pro with over 8 years of experience helping SMBs, entrepreneurs, and eCommerce merchants win more business online.

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